Class Instruction

Primary class instruction is a two-week course which enables students of Christian Science to be better healers and contributors to our world.  Its purpose is to heal and uplift through a firm foundation in morals and spiritual truths and an understanding of God’s kingdom and of man’s identity as the image and likeness of divine Truth, Life, and Love.  It helps pupils to commune, to pray for that mind which was also in Christ Jesus (See Phil 2:5), to give effective Christian Science treatments, to exercise dominion over impositions, to acknowledge and witness the divine order, and to bless and enrich lives.  It is based on the inspired Word of the Bible, the teachings of Christ Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy, and the supremacy and allness of Spirit, God, good.   For no-obligation information and ideas on cherishing and praying about this important opportunity, contact Rosalind Fogg.

For more information about Class Instruction and Christian Science Teachers.

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. (The Bible: Isa 54:13)

Posterity will have the right to demand that Christian
Science be stated and demonstrated in its godliness and
grandeur, — that however little be taught or learned, that
little shall be right. (Retrospection and Introspection, p. 61)

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