Based on the teachings and demonstrations of Christ Jesus, its purpose is to fulfill the Master’s injunction: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: (Matt 10:8)
The church serves communities through Sunday church services and Sunday School, Wednesday testimony meetings, public Reading Rooms for sales and quiet study, free lectures, and prayers for issues of the world.
Its Pastor is the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
It publishes quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily periodicals, including The Christian Science Monitor.
Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, with members and branches throughout the world, its leavening effect reaches around the globe.
More information is available on this website under “Community” and “Resources” and also on these links:
Questions about Church – Christian Science website
Roster of Christian Science Churches – Christian Science Journal
CHURCH. The structure of Truth and Love; whatever rests upon and proceeds from divine Principle. The Church is that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race, rousing the dormant understanding from material beliefs to the apprehension of spiritual ideas and the demonstration of divine Science, thereby casting out devils, or error, and healing the sick.
(Science and Health, p. 583) |
Designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing. (Church Manual, p. 17)